Hawaii County, HI
Home MenuThursday, March 4
Breakout 1 - Preserving the Environment
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Moderator -Jeannette Gurung
Preserving the Environment
Hawaiʻi Island is one of the most ecologically diverse places in the world. Preservation of the natural environment is essential for maintaining the health of our island but also the health of our communities. Aloha ʻĀina, which literally means "love of the land", is a central idea of Native Hawaiian thought, cosmology, and culture. Aloha ʻāina brings a perspective that pervades many aspects of life. Its ecological and cultural orientations are founded upon a sense of being connected to all living things. This mutuality between all things exists on many levels: spiritual, social, and the scientific. This panel will discuss the importance and preserving our natural resources.
Jeannette Gurung
Executive Director
Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)
Jeannette is a forester with a focus on gender equality. She is an innovator at the nexus of gender/social equity and climate mitigation and adaptation. She is founder and Executive Director of WOCAN, a global network with over 1400 members in 113 countries, that supports capacity building for women’s leadership in the ag and natural resource management sectors. She created the W+ Standard ™ to measure, quantify and monetize impacts of projects on women, which won the Women for Results award of the UNFCCC in 2016.