Hawaii County, HI
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In order to return documents quickly over the web, WebLink displays single page PNG (portable network graphic) files. The document must be downloaded before it can be printed. When items are downloaded as a PDF or an electronic file , they will display and print at their original, scanned-in quality.
To print a document, select the Print PDF icon from the toolbar along the top. Once the PDF has downloaded, choose File - Print, or click the printer icon at the top of your screen. Pages can be printed one at a time or as a complete document. Some of our documents are very large; we have set a limit of 75 pages per download. The system can convert up to 75 pages to PDF at one time. If a document is more than 75 pages, the conversion will create multiple PDF’s. This process is slower than a regular print function as the conversion to PDF takes several seconds for each page.